Personal umbrella coverage is one of the most commonly overlooked policies, but it could be one of the best financial decisions you will ever make. Personal umbrella insurance provides extra protection, or limits, above the personal liability insurance you currently have. Just as an umbrella protects you from heavy rain, an umbrella insurance policy protects you from losing the entirety of your wealth and assets in the event of a claim. Umbrella insurance can provide limits above your personal auto and home policies.
The cost of a personal umbrella can be as low as $175 per year for $1,000,000 worth of coverage. If you own an RV, boat, jet ski, snowmobile, or any other kind of recreational toy, you should consider a personal umbrella policy. If you own a home or have a 401 K plan, don’t jeopardize your future by having a liability claim that could cost you everything. Renters may also want to consider a personal umbrella policy.
Umbrella insurance provides broad insurance beyond traditional home and auto. A personal umbrella liability policy insurance provides you with additional protection when damages exceed the liability limits of your auto or home policies. Our goal is to protect you and your family from those unexpected events by finding the right coverage at an affordable rate.
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